Decision |
Publicly notified |
Appeal period ends |
Decisions appealed |
Date made operative |
Final Minor Corrections to Replacement Plan, Confirmation of Heritage Aerial Maps and Directions to Replace the Existing District Plan [PDF, 1.7 MB]
7 November 2017 [PDF, 286 KB] |
No |
19 December 2017 [PDF, 145 KB] |
Further Minor Corrections to Planning Maps Relating to Transport Zone in Response to Memorandum of 10 October 2017 [PDF, 1.9 MB]
20 October 2017 [PDF, 279 KB] |
No |
19 December 2017 [PDF, 145 KB] |
Minor Corrections to Decisions Regarding Chapter 6 and 14 [PDF, 2.8 MB]
6 October 2017 [PDF, 267 KB] |
No |
19 December 2017 [PDF, 145 KB] |
Further Minor Corrections to Decisions and Planning Maps [PDF, 2.7 MB]
29 June 2017 [PDF, 519 KB] |
No |
11 August 2017 [PDF, 272 KB] |
Minor Corrections to Decisions - Further corrections to Chapters and Planning Maps in response to an application from Christchurch City Council dated 19 May 2017 [PDF, 3.5 MB]
23 June 2017 [PDF, 38 KB] |
No |
11 August 2017 [PDF, 272 KB]
Minor Corrections to Decision - Corrections to Various Chapters and Planning Maps [PDF, 2.7 MB]
15 May 2017 [PDF, 38 KB] |
No |
4 July 2017 [PDF, 590 KB] |
Minor Corrections to Decisions as a Result of Renumbering/Restructuring Undertaken by Christchurch City Council Text of Decision [PDF, 1.1 MB], Schedule 1: Chapter 1 - Introduction [PDF, 253 KB], Chapter 2 - Abbreviations and Definitions [PDF, 775 KB], Chapter 3 - Strategic Directions, [PDF, 149 KB] Chapter 4 - Hazardous Substances and Contaminated Land [PDF, 101 KB], Chapter 5 - Natural Hazards [PDF, 387 KB], Sub-Chapter 6.1 - Noise [PDF, 1.5 MB], Sub-Chapter 6.2 - Temporary Activities, Buildings and Events [PDF, 110 KB], Sub-Chapter 6.3 - Outdoor Lighting [PDF, 82 KB], Sub-Chapter 6.4 - Temporary Earthquake Recovery Activities [PDF, 339 KB], Sub-Chapter 6.5 - Scheduled Activities [PDF, 111 KB], Sub-Chapter 6.6 - Water Body Setbacks [PDF, 169 KB], Sub-Chapter 6.7 - Aircraft Protection [PDF, 210 KB], Sub-Chapter 6.8 - Signs [PDF, 362 KB], Sub-Chapter 6.9 - Late Night Licensed Premises [PDF, 68 KB], Sub-Chapter 6.10 - Works for the Purpose of Earthquake Recovery [PDF, 17 KB], Sub-Chapter 6.11- Appendices [PDF, 23 MB], Sub-Chapter 6.11 Appendix 6.11.9 [PDF, 15 KB], Chapter 7 - Transport [PDF, 2.4 MB], Chapter 8 - Subdivision, Development and Earthworks [PDF, 9.1 MB], Sub-Chapter 9.1 - Indigenous Biodiversity and Ecosystems [PDF, 784 KB], Sub-Chapter 9.2 - Landscapes and Natural Character [PDF, 4.8 MB], Sub-Chapter 9.3 - Historic Heritage [PDF, 939 KB], Sub-Chapter 9.4 - Significant and Other Trees [PDF, 131 KB], Sub-Chapter 9.5 - Ngāi Tahu Values and the Natural Environment [PDF, 207 KB], Chapter 10 - Designations and Heritage Orders [PDF, 3 MB], Chapter 11 - Utilities and Energy [PDF, 190 KB], Chapter 12 - Papakāinga/Kāinga Nohanga [PDF, 149 KB], Sub-Chapter 13.1 - Specific Purpose, (Defence Wigram) Zone [PDF, 173 KB], Sub-Chapter 13.2 - Specific Purpose (Cemetery) Zone [PDF, 233 KB], Sub-Chapter 13.3 - Specific Purpose (Airport) Zone [PDF, 132 KB], Sub-Chapter 13.4 - Specific Purpose (Styx Mill Road Transfer Station) Zone [PDF, 232 KB], Sub-Chapter 13.5 - Specific Purpose (Hospital) Zone [PDF, 215 KB], Sub-Chapter 13.6 - Specific Purpose (School) Zone [PDF, 132 KB], Sub-Chapter 13.7 - Specific Purpose (Tertiary Education) Zone [PDF, 44 KB], Sub-Chapter 13.8 - Specific Purpose (Lyttelton Port) Zone [PDF, 781 KB], Sub-Chapter 13.9 - Specific Purpose (Golf Resort) Zone [PDF, 558 KB], Sub-Chapter 13.10 - Specific Purpose (Ruapuna Motorsport) Zone [PDF, 57 KB], Sub-Chapter 13.11 - Specific Purpose (Flat Land Recovery) Zone [PDF, 118 KB], Sub-Chapter 13.12 - Specific Purpose (Burwood Landfill and Recovery Park) Zone [PDF, 257 KB], Sub-Chapter 13.13 - Specific Purpose (Ngā Hau e Whā) Zone [PDF, 132 KB], Chapter 14 - Residential [PDF, 6.7 MB], Chapter 15 - Commercial [PDF, 4.4 MB], Chapter 16 - Industrial [PDF, 7.4 MB], Chapter 17 - Rural [PDF, 1.3 MB], Chapter 18 - Open Space [PDF, 5.9 MB], Schedule 2 - Combined Planning Maps A [PDF, 30 MB], Combined Planning Maps B [PDF, 31 MB], Combined Planning Maps C [PDF, 31 MB], Planning Maps - Central City [PDF, 2.9 MB]
24 March 2017 [PDF, 35 KB] |
No |
25 May 2017 [PDF, 45 KB] |
Minor Corrections to Decision 63: Supplementary Definitions Decision [PDF, 3.5 MB]
23 February 2017 [PDF, 510 KB] |
No |
7 April 2017 [PDF, 40 KB] |
Decision 63: Supplementary Definitions Decision and Minor Corrections to Decision 58 - Definitions [PDF, 683 KB]
Decision 63: Schedule 1: Chapter 1 (Introduction), [PDF, 594 KB]Chapter 2 (Abbreviations and Definitions), [PDF, 1.3 MB] Chapter 3 (Strategic Directions), [PDF, 243 KB] Chapter 4 (Papakainga), [PDF, 245 KB]Chapter 5 (Natural Hazards), [PDF, 811 KB] Chapter 6 ( 6.1 - 6.11 General Rules) [PDF, 9.6 MB], Chapter 7 (Transport), [PDF, 2.2 MB] Chapter 8 ( Subdivision), [PDF, 4 MB] Chapter 9 (9.1 - 9.6), [PDF, 6.4 MB] Chapter 11 (Utilities), [PDF, 527 KB] Chapter 12 (Hazardous Substances and Contaminated Land), [PDF, 351 KB] Chapter 14 (Residential), [PDF, 3.7 MB]Chapter 15 (Commercial), [PDF, 2.9 MB] Chapter 16 (Industrial), [PDF, 3.2 MB]Chapter 17 (Rural), [PDF, 1.5 MB] Chapter 18 (Open Space), [PDF, 1.9 MB]Chapter 21 (21.1 - 21.13 Specific Purposes) [PDF, 3.3 MB]
22 December 2016 [PDF, 44 KB] |
No |
7 April 2017 [PDF, 40 KB] |
Minor Corrections to Decision 62 [PDF, 284 KB] |
10 February 2017 [PDF, 550 KB] |
No |
7 April 2017 [PDF, 40 KB] |
Decision 62: Minor Corrections and Decision as to Planning Maps (including aerial maps for sites of Ngāi Tahu Cultural Significance) relating to Decisions 44, 45, 46, 50 and 51: Text of Decision [PDF, 1.3 MB], Schedule 1 - Natural and Cultural Heritage Planning Maps, [PDF, 24 MB] Schedule 2 - Aerial maps for Ngā Tūranga Tūpuna, [PDF, 19 MB] Schedule 3 - Map One and Two of Schedule Ngā Wai [PDF, 446 KB], Schedule 4 - Updated mapping for Ngā Wai - Te Tai o Mahaanui (Christchurch and Banks Peninsula Coastal Marine Area ID 96), [PDF, 283 KB] Schedule 5 - Amendment to ID96 in Appendix, [PDF, 96 KB] Schedule 6 - Aerial maps for Wāhi Taonga and Wāhi Tapu [PDF, 20 MB], Schedule 7 - Amended Schedule 4 to Decision 45 - 9.3 Historic Heritage, [PDF, 94 KB] Addition to Schedule [PDF, 169 KB]
22 December 2016 [PDF, 44 KB] |
No |
25 May 2017 [PDF, 45 KB] |
Decision 61: Minor Corrections and Decision as to Planning Maps - Additional Residential Medium Density Areas for Linwood (Eastgate), Hornby, and Papanui (Northlands) [PDF, 13 MB] |
22 December 2016 [PDF, 44 KB] |
No |
22 February 2017 [PDF, 674 KB] |
Decision 60: Decision as to Planning Maps - Commercial Core in North Halswell Key Activity Centre [PDF, 2.3 MB] |
22 December 2016 [PDF, 44 KB] |
No |
10 November 2017 [PDF, 480 KB] |
Decision 59: Supplementary Decision to Chapter 6 General Rules and Procedures (Part) - Strategic Objective 3.3.12 [PDF, 646 KB] |
9 December 2016 [PDF, 40 KB] |
No |
22 February 2017 [PDF, 674 KB] |
Decision 58: Chapter 2 Definitions (Part) Stages Two and Three [PDF, 1.8 MB] |
29 November 2016 [PDF, 40 KB] |
No |
7 April 2017 [PDF, 40 KB] |
Minor Corrections to Decision 57: Chapter 6: General Rules and Procedures (Part) - Noise, Airport Matters, and Hagley Park [PDF, 2.3 MB] |
3 May 2017 [PDF, 536 KB] |
No |
4 July 2017 [PDF, 590 KB] |
Decision on Minor Corrections - Decision 57: Chapter 6 - General Rules and Procedures (Part) - Noise, Airport Matters, and Hagley Park (and relevant definitions and associated Planning Maps) [PDF, 337 KB] |
10 February 2017 [PDF, 550 KB] |
No |
Not Applicable |
Minor Corrections and Consistency Changes to Decisions 57, 11, 23 and 24: - Chapter 6 General Rules and Procedures - Noise, Airport Matters and Hagley Park and Chapter 15: (Commercial) and 16: (Industrial) (and Planning Maps) [PDF, 27 MB] |
22 December 2016 [PDF, 44 KB] |
No |
22 February 2017 [PDF, 674 KB]
(Chapter 21.9 only)
25 May 2017 [PDF, 45 KB] (All other matters)
Decision 57: Chapter 6 - General Rules and Procedures (Part) - Noise, Airport Matters, and Hagley Park (and relevant definitions and associated Planning Maps) [PDF, 19 MB] |
21 November 2016 [PDF, 41 KB] |
Yes, Notice of Appeal [PDF, 131 KB], Notice of Discontinuance of Appeal [PDF, 87 KB] |
22 February 2017 [PDF, 674 KB]
(Chapter 21.9 only)
6 March 2017 [PDF, 607 KB] (All other matters)
Minor Corrections to Decision 56: Chapter 6: General Rules and Procedures [PDF, 1.1 MB] |
29 June 2017 [PDF, 519 KB] |
No |
11 August 2017 [PDF, 272 KB] |
Minor Corrections to Decision 56: Chapter 6: General Rules and Procedures (Part) - excluding Noise, Airport Matters and Hagley Park and Chapter 15: Commercial - Lyttelton Master Plan Overlay Area [PDF, 1.2 MB] |
22 December 2016 [PDF, 44 KB] |
No |
22 February 2017 [PDF, 674 KB] |
Decision 56: Chapter 6 - General Rules and Procedures (Part) - excluding Noise, Airport Matters, and Hagley Park (and relevant definitions and associated Planning Maps) [PDF, 7.4 MB] |
21 November 2016 [PDF, 41 KB] |
No |
22 February 2017 [PDF, 674 KB] |
Decision 55: Chapter 15 Commercial (Part) and Chapter 16 Industrial (Part): Proposal for a 500m² Gross Leasable Floor Area Maximum Tenancy for Offices [PDF, 680 KB] |
14 November 2016 [PDF, 35 KB] |
No |
10 November 2017 [PDF, 480 KB] |
Decision 54: Rural - Decision as to Planning Maps - Balance areas in Hendersons Basin [PDF, 3.7 MB] |
10 November 2016 [PDF, 40 KB] |
No |
22 February 2017 [PDF, 674 KB] |
Minor Corrections to Decision 53 - Natural Hazards and Decision as to Planning Maps [PDF, 662 KB], Schedule 2 Planning(external link) |
9 December 2016 [PDF, 40 KB] |
No |
22 February 2017 [PDF, 674 KB] |
Decision 53: Natural Hazards - Stage Three (and relevant definitions and associated Planning Maps) [PDF, 1.6 MB] |
10 November 2016 [PDF, 40 KB] |
No |
22 February 2017 [PDF, 674 KB] |
Minor Corrections to Decision 52: and Decision as to Planning Maps - Coastal Environment and Open Space Coastal Zone [PDF, 8.1 MB] |
29 November 2016 [PDF, 40 KB] |
No |
22 February 2017 [PDF, 674 KB] |
Decision 52: Coastal Environment and Open Space Coastal Zone (and relevant definitions and associated Planning Maps) [PDF, 937 KB] |
31 October 2016 [PDF, 40 KB] |
No |
22 February 2017 [PDF, 674 KB] |
Minor Corrections to Decision 51: Chapter 9: Natural and Cultural Heritage (Part) - 9.5 Ngāi Tahu Values [PDF, 1 MB] |
8 May 2017 [PDF, 38 KB] |
No |
4 July 2017 [PDF, 590 KB] |
Minor Corrections to Decision 51: Chapter 9: Natural and Cultural Heritage (Part) - 9.5 Ngāi Tahu Values (and associated changes to other chapters and relevant definitions and Planning Maps) [PDF, 835 KB] |
29 November 2016 [PDF, 40 KB] |
No |
25 May 2017 [PDF, 45 KB] |
Decision 51: Chapter 9 - Natural and Cultural Heritage (Part) Sub-chapter 9.5 - Ngai Tahu Values (and associated changes to Chapters 8 and 16 related to land at North Belfast and changes to other chapters and relevant definitions Full decision with all schedules [PDF, 17 MB]. Schedules 1 and 2 make changes to the following chapters: Chapter 9.5 (Ngai Tahu Values); [PDF, 831 KB]Chapter 1 (Introduction); [PDF, 527 KB]Chapter 3 (Strategic Directions); [PDF, 256 KB]Chapter 8 (Subdivisions); [PDF, 9 MB]Chapter 9.2 (Landscapes); [PDF, 2 MB] Chapter 9.3 ( Heritage); [PDF, 488 KB] Chapter 9.4 (Trees); [PDF, 458 KB] Chapter 11 (Utilities); [PDF, 429 KB] Chapter 14 (Residential); [PDF, 3.4 MB] Chapter 15 (Commercial); [PDF, 3.1 MB] Chapter 16 (Industrial); [PDF, 4.7 MB] Chapter 17 (Rural); [PDF, 1.2 MB]Chapter 18 (Open Space); [PDF, 3.1 MB] Chapter 21.2 (Special Purpose Cemetery); [PDF, 204 KB] |
31 October 2016 [PDF, 40 KB] |
Yes, Notice of Appeal [PDF, 1.3 MB], High Court Judgment [PDF, 6.3 MB] |
25 May 2017 [PDF, 45 KB] |
Minor Corrections to Decision 50: Chapter 9.1 - Indigenous Biodiversity and Ecosystems [PDF, 1.6 MB] |
23 November 2016 [PDF, 43 KB] |
No |
25 May 2017 [PDF, 45 KB] |
Decision 50: Chapter 9 - Natural and Cultural Heritage (Part) Sub-chapter 9.1 - Indigenous Biodiversity and Ecosystems [PDF, 1.9 MB] |
31 October 2016 [PDF, 40 KB] |
Yes. Notice of Appeal [PDF, 655 KB], High Court Judgment. [PDF, 152 KB] Joint Memorandum of Parties Regarding Partial Settlement of Appeal [PDF, 1.6 MB], High Court Judgment [PDF, 131 KB] |
25 May 2017 [PDF, 45 KB]
4 July 2017 [PDF, 590 KB] (in relation only to the matter determined by High Court Judgment dated 3 May 2017)
Addendum to Decision 49: Chapter 10 Stage Three - Designations Required by the Minister of Education [PDF, 417 KB] |
7 December 2016 [PDF, 39 KB] |
No |
22 February 2017 [PDF, 674 KB] |
Decision 49: Chapter 10 Stage Three - Designations Required by the Minister of Education [PDF, 7.4 MB] |
7 December 2016 [PDF, 39 KB] |
No |
22 February 2017 [PDF, 674 KB] |
Minor Corrections to Decision 48: Chapter 7 - Transport in relation to deeming provisions for new and stopped roads [PDF, 448 KB] |
23 November 2016 [PDF, 43 KB] |
No |
4 July 2017 [PDF, 590 KB] |
Decision 48: Chapter 7 - Transport in relation to deeming provisions for new and stopped roads [PDF, 338 KB] |
20 October 2016 [PDF, 40 KB] |
No |
4 July 2017 [PDF, 590 KB] |
Decision 47: Supplementary Decision to Decision 40 - Chapter 11 - Utilities, Energy and Infrastructure including Minor Corrections to Decision 40 [PDF, 942 KB] |
14 October 2016 [PDF, 41 KB] |
No |
22 February 2017 |
Minor Corrections to Decision 46 - Natural and Cultural Heritage (Part) Chapter 9.3 Historic Heritage - Hagley Park (including Botanic Gardens) and Decision on Appendix [PDF, 505 KB] |
14 November 2016 [PDF, 35 KB] |
No |
25 May 2017 [PDF, 45 KB] |
Decision 46: Chapter 9: Natural and Cultural Heritage (Part) Chapter 9.3 Historic Heritage - Hagley Park (including Botanic Gardens) [PDF, 1.2 MB] |
7 October 2016 [PDF, 37 KB] |
No |
25 May 2017 [PDF, 45 KB] |
Decision to Make Further Minor Corrections to Decision 45 Chapter 9: Natural and Cultural Heritage (Part) Topic 9.3 - Historic Heritage [PDF, 1020 KB] |
1 April 2017 [PDF, 38 KB] |
No |
25 May 2017 [PDF, 45 KB] |
Further Minor Corrections to Decision 45: Natural and Cultural Heritage (Part) Topic 9.3 Historic Heritage and Appendix [PDF, 608 KB] |
9 December 2016 [PDF, 40 KB] |
No |
25 May 2017 [PDF, 45 KB] |
Minor Corrections to Decision 45 - Natural and Cultural Heritage (Part) Chapter 9.3 Historic Heritage and Decision on Appendix [PDF, 2.2 MB] |
14 November 2016 [PDF, 35 KB] |
No |
25 May 2017 [PDF, 45 KB] |
Decision 45: Chapter 9: Natural and Cultural Heritage (Part) Topic 9.3 - Historic Heritage [PDF, 2.8 MB] |
7 October 2016 [PDF, 37 KB] |
Yes, Notice of Appeal [PDF, 1.9 MB], Notice of Discontinuance [PDF, 120 KB] |
25 May 2017 [PDF, 45 KB] |
Supplementary Minor Corrections to Decision 44: Chapter 9.4 - Significant Trees [PDF, 1 MB] |
21 November 2016 [PDF, 41 KB] |
No |
7 April 2017 [PDF, 40 KB] |
Minor Corrections to Decision 44: Chapter 9.4 - Significant Trees [PDF, 1.2 MB] |
21 November 2016 [PDF, 41 KB] |
No |
7 April 2017 [PDF, 40 KB] |
Decision 44: Chapter 9: Natural and Cultural Heritage (Part) Topic 9.4 - Significant Trees [PDF, 2.5 MB] |
7 October 2016 [PDF, 37 KB] |
No |
7 April 2017 [PDF, 40 KB] |
Decision to make further Minor Corrections and Consequential Changes arising from Decision 43: Central City [PDF, 432 KB] |
22 December 2016 [PDF, 44 KB] |
No |
10 November 2017 [PDF, 480 KB] |
Minor Corrections to Decision 43: Central City - Stages Two and Three (and relevant definitions and associated Planning Maps) Full decision with all schedules [PDF, 8.2 MB]. Schedule makes changes to the following chapters: Chapter 7 (Transport); [PDF, 2.6 MB] Chapter 8 (Subdivision, Development and Earthworks); [PDF, 4.4 MB] Chapter 11 (Utilities and Energy); [PDF, 370 KB] Chapter 12 (Hazardous Substances and Contaminated Land); [PDF, 251 KB] Chapter 14 (Residential); [PDF, 3.8 MB] Chapter 15 (Commercial); [PDF, 2.8 MB] Chapter 21.2 (Specific Purpose (Cemetery) Zone); [PDF, 209 KB] Chapter 21.5 (Specific Purpose (Hospital) Zone); [PDF, 365 KB] Chapter 21.6 (Specific Purpose (School) Zone); [PDF, 302 KB] Chapter 21.7 (Specific Purpose (Tertiary Education) Zone) [PDF, 217 KB] |
23 November 2016 [PDF, 43 KB] |
No |
10 November 2017 [PDF, 480 KB] |
Decision 43: Central City - Stages Two and Three (and relevant definitions and associated Planning Maps).Full decision with all schedules. [PDF, 13 MB] Schedule 1 makes changes to the following chapters: Chapter 7 (Transport); [PDF, 2.6 MB]Chapter 8 (Subdivision, Development and Earthworks); [PDF, 8.7 MB] Chapter 11 (Utilities and Energy); [PDF, 370 KB] Chapter 12 (Hazardous Substances and Contaminated Land); [PDF, 251 KB] Chapter 14 (Residential); [PDF, 3.8 MB] Chapter 15 (Commercial); [PDF, 3.1 MB] Chapter 21.2 (Specific Purpose (Cemetery) Zone); [PDF, 216 KB] Chapter 21.5 (Specific Purpose (Hospital) Zone); [PDF, 377 KB] Chapter 21.6 (Specific Purpose (School) Zone); [PDF, 332 KB] Chapter 21.7 (Specific Purpose (Tertiary Education) Zone [PDF, 217 KB]) |
27 September 2016 [PDF, 38 KB] |
No |
10 November 2017 [PDF, 480 KB] |
Decision 42: Chapter 15 - Commercial (Part) and Chapter 16 - Industrial (Part) in relation to Decision 11 and KI Commercial Sites at Addington [PDF, 863 KB] |
16 September 2016 [PDF, 36 KB] |
Yes Notice of Appeal [PDF, 764 KB], High Court Judgment [PDF, 297 KB], Application for leave to appeal to Court of Appeal [PDF, 1 MB]. Judgement of Court Appeal [PDF, 79 KB]
10 November 2017 [PDF, 480 KB] |
Decision 41: Chapter 14 - Additional Residential Medium Density Areas for Linwood (Eastgate), Hornby and Papanui (Northlands) [PDF, 896 KB] |
10 September 2016 [PDF, 39 KB] |
No |
1 November 2016 [PDF, 42 KB] |
Decision 40: Chapter 11 - Utilities, Energy and Infrastructure including Stage Three Rule P1 and relevant definitions [PDF, 1.3 MB] |
10 September 2016 [PDF, 39 KB] |
No |
22 February 2017 [PDF, 674 KB] |
Decision 39: Chapter 8: Subdivision, Development and Earthworks (Part) - Stage Two [PDF, 1.2 MB] |
2 September 2016 [PDF, 41 KB] |
No |
1 November 2016 [PDF, 42 KB] |
Further minor corrections to Decision 38: Chapter 9: Natural and Cultural Heritage (Part) Topic 9.2 Outstanding Natural Features and Landscapes, Significant Features and Landscapes, and Areas of Natural Character in the Coastal Environment [PDF, 432 KB] |
14 October 2016 [PDF, 41 KB] |
No |
22 February 2017 [PDF, 674 KB] |
Minor corrections to Decision 38: Chapter 9 - Natural and Cultural Heritage (Part) Topic 9.2 - Outstanding Natural Features and Landscapes, Significant Features and Landscapes, and Areas of Natural Character in the Coastal Environment [PDF, 2.6 MB] |
14 October 2016 [PDF, 41 KB] |
No |
22 February 2017 [PDF, 674 KB] |
Decision 38: Chapter 9: Natural and Cultural Heritage (Part). Topic 9.2 - Outstanding Natural Features and Landscapes, Significant Features and Landscapes and Areas of Natural Character in the Coastal Environment [PDF, 3.3 MB] |
2 September 2016 [PDF, 41 KB] |
No |
22 February 2017 [PDF, 674 KB] |
Decision 37: Papakāinga/Kāinga Nohoanga Zone and Specific Purpose (Ngā Haū e Whā) Zone (and relevant definitions and associated Planning Maps) [PDF, 1.4 MB] |
2 September 2016 [PDF, 41 KB] |
No |
1 November 2016 [PDF, 42 KB] |
Decision 36: Chapter 14: Corridor Protection Setback Rule 11kV Heathcote to Lyttelton Electricity Distribution Line Proposal [PDF, 535 KB] |
20 August 2016 [PDF, 40 KB] |
No |
1 November 2016 [PDF, 42 KB] |
Second Minor Corrections to Decision 35 (Open Space) and Decision 34 (Rural in relation to Fulton Hogan Quarry and Templeton Golf Course) [PDF, 3.6 MB] |
10 November 2016 [PDF, 40 KB] |
No |
22 February 2017 [PDF, 674 KB] |
Minor Corrections to Decision 35 Open Space (Stages Two and Three) and Decision 34 Rural (Stage Two) in relation to Fulton Hogan Quarry / Templeton Golf Course and Decision as to Planning Maps [PDF, 3.4 MB], Schedule 2 Planning Maps(external link) |
20 October 2016 [PDF, 40 KB] |
No |
22 February 2017 [PDF, 674 KB] |
Decision 35: Chapter 18: Open Space - Stages Two and Three (and relevant definitions [PDF, 4.1 MB]) |
20 August 2016 [PDF, 40 KB] |
No |
22 February 2017 [PDF, 674 KB] |
Minor Corrections to Decision 34 - Rural (Stage Two) and Decision as to Planning Maps and Appendix 17.9.3 - Decision and Schedule 1 [PDF, 19 MB] |
20 October 2016 [PDF, 40 KB] |
No |
22 February 2017 [PDF, 674 KB] |
Decision 34: Chapter 17 Rural - Stage Two (and relevant definitions and associated Planning Maps) [PDF, 1.7 MB] |
20 August 2016 [PDF, 40 KB] |
No |
22 February 2017 [PDF, 674 KB] |
Minor Corrections to Decision 33: Residential New Neighbourhood in relation to land zoned Residential Suburban at Wigram and Prestons [PDF, 1.5 MB] |
15 December 2016 [PDF, 39 KB] |
No |
22 February 2017 [PDF, 674 KB] |
Decision 33: Decision on ODPs and amendments to Planning Maps and minor corrections to Decision 29 Residential New Neighbourhood Zone [PDF, 2.6 MB] |
13 August 2016 [PDF, 39 KB] |
No |
1 November 2016 [PDF, 42 KB] |
Minor Corrections to Decision 32: Specific Purpose (Ruapuna Motorsport) Zone [PDF, 463 KB] |
13 August 2016 [PDF, 39 KB] |
No |
1 November 2016 [PDF, 42 KB] |
Decision 32: Specific Purpose (Ruapuna Motorsport) Zone (and relevant definitions and associated Planning Maps) [PDF, 952 KB] |
6 August 2016 [PDF, 40 KB] |
No |
19 September 2016 [PDF, 45 KB] |
Decision 31: Supplementary maps decision - Stage One Residential Medium Density Lower Height Limit Overlay [PDF, 4.2 MB] |
29 July 2016 [PDF, 41 KB] |
No |
19 September 2016 [PDF, 45 KB] |
Minor Corrections to Decision 30: North Halswell Key Activity Centre - Commercial (Part) and associated Planning Maps - Deferred from Decision 11 [PDF, 816 KB] |
16 September 2016 [PDF, 36 KB] |
No |
10 November 2017 [PDF, 480 KB] |
Minor Corrections to Decision 30: North Halswell Key Activity Centre - Commercial (Part) (and associated Planning Maps) [PDF, 439 KB] |
6 August 2016 [PDF, 40 KB] |
No |
10 November 2017 [PDF, 480 KB] |
Decision 30: North Halswell Key Activity Centre - Commercial (Part) (and associated Planning Maps) - deferred from Decision 11 [PDF, 3.4 MB] |
22 July 2016 [PDF, 40 KB] |
No |
10 November 2017 [PDF, 480 KB] |
Decision 29: Residential New Neighbourhood Zone and correction to Decision 11 concerning Wigram Business Park [PDF, 1.4 MB] |
22 July 2016 [PDF, 40 KB] |
No |
19 September 2016 [PDF, 45 KB] |
Minor corrections to Decision 28: Subdivision, Development and Earthworks (Part) - Stage Two [PDF, 1.1 MB] |
6 September 2016 [PDF, 38 KB] |
No |
1 November 2016 [PDF, 42 KB] |
Decision 28: Chapter 8: Subdivision, Development and Earthworks (Part) - Stage Two [PDF, 9.3 MB] |
22 July 2016 [PDF, 40 KB] |
No |
19 September 2016 [PDF, 45 KB] |
Decision 27: Chapter 9: Natural and Cultural Heritage - Topic 9.3 Historic Heritage in relation to a submission by Tailorspace Property Limited [PDF, 668 KB] |
19 July 2016 [PDF, 39 KB] |
No |
19 September 2016 [PDF, 45 KB] |
Decision 26: Chapter 18 Open Space and Amendment Correcting Stage One Residential Decisions (Decision 10) Residential (Part) and Residential (Part) Planning Maps [PDF, 20 MB] |
13 July 2016 [PDF, 39 KB] |
No |
19 September 2016 [PDF, 45 KB] |
Decision 25: Subdivision, Development and Earthworks - Stage One (Part): Supplementary Decision [PDF, 382 KB] |
6 July 2016 [PDF, 39 KB] |
No |
19 September 2016 [PDF, 45 KB] |
Decision to make minor corrections to Decision and Decision on Appendix 16.6.15 - Industrial Park Zone (Memorial Avenue) Outline Development Plan - Decision 24: Private Plan Change Request (Memorial Business Park) [PDF, 410 KB] |
29 July 2016 [PDF, 41 KB] |
No |
7 July 2017 [PDF, 540 KB] |
Decision to make minor corrections to Decision 24: Private Plan Change Request (Memorial Business Park) [PDF, 747 KB] |
6 July 2016 [PDF, 39 KB] |
No |
7 July 2017 [PDF, 540 KB] |
Decision 24: Private Plan Change Request (Memorial Business Park) including Chapter 16 Industrial (Part) and Chapter 6 General Rules and Procedures (Part) (and relevant definitions and associated Planning Maps) [PDF, 7.9 MB] |
20 June 2016 [PDF, 43 KB] |
Yes, Notice of Appeal, [PDF, 1.5 MB] High Court Judgment [PDF, 2.9 MB], Notice seeking leave to appeal to Court of Appeal [PDF, 1.9 MB], Judgment of Court of Appeal [PDF, 82 KB] |
7 July 2017 [PDF, 540 KB] |
Decision 23: Decision to make minor corrections to Decision and Decision as to Planning Maps, Figures and Appendices - Commercial (Part) and Industrial (Part) - Stage Two [PDF, 26 MB] |
29 July 2016 [PDF, 41 KB] |
No |
10 November 2017 [PDF, 480 KB] |
Decision 23: Application by Whittle, Knight and Boatwood (Estate Agents) Limited in relation to Commercial (Part) Stage Two [PDF, 548 KB] |
20 June 2016 [PDF, 43 KB] |
No |
19 September 2016 [PDF, 45 KB] |
Second Addendum to Decision 23 Chapter 15 Commercial (Part) and Chapter 16 Industrial (Part) - Stage Two and the New Brighton medium density overlay (and related changes to Zoning Maps) [PDF, 344 KB] |
20 June 2016 [PDF, 43 KB] |
No |
10 November 2017 [PDF, 480 KB] |
Addendum to Decision 23 Chapter 15 Commercial (Part) and Chapter 16 Industrial (Part) - Stage Two and the New Brighton medium density overlay (and related changes to zoning maps) [PDF, 506 KB] |
20 June 2016 [PDF, 43 KB] |
No |
10 November 2017 [PDF, 480 KB] |
Decision 23: Chapter 15 Commercial (Part) and Chapter 16 Industrial (Part) - Stage Two and the New Brighton medium density overlay (and related changes to Zoning Maps) [PDF, 7.9 MB] |
20 June 2016 [PDF, 43 KB] |
Yes, Notice of Appeal [PDF, 2.4 MB], High Court Judgment [PDF, 5.1 MB],
Notice seeking leave to appeal to Court of Appeal [PDF, 522 KB], Judgment of Court of Appeal [PDF, 87 KB]
10 November 2017 [PDF, 480 KB] |
Decision 22: Chapter 10 - Stage Two. Designations required by Christchurch City Council [PDF, 6.6 MB] |
13 July 2016 [PDF, 39 KB] |
No |
19 September 2016 [PDF, 45 KB] |
Minor Corrections to Decision 21: Specific Purpose (Flat Land recovery) Zone - Stage Three [PDF, 795 KB] |
14 May 2016(external link) |
No |
1 August 2016 [PDF, 42 KB] |
Decision 21: Specific Purpose (Flat Land Recovery) Zone - Stage Three(external link) |
6 April 2016(external link) |
No |
1 August 2016 [PDF, 42 KB] |
Decision 20: Chapter 14 Residential (Part) and Chapter 17 Rural (Part) Cranford Basin - Stage Three(external link) and Addendum to Decision 20(external link) |
6 April 2016(external link) |
No |
7 June 2016 [PDF, 45 KB] |
Minor Correction to Decision 19: Chapter 21 Specific Purpose Zones - Stage Two (and relevant definitions and associated Planning Maps) [PDF, 390 KB] |
6 August 2016 [PDF, 40 KB] |
No |
19 September 2016 [PDF, 45 KB] |
Minor correction to Decision 19: Specific Purpose Zone - Stage Two [PDF, 303 KB] |
20 June 2016 [PDF, 43 KB] |
No |
1 August 2016 [PDF, 42 KB] |
Minor corrections to Decision 19: Specific Purpose Zones - Stage Two(external link) |
3 May 2016 [PDF, 38 KB] |
No |
1 August 2016 [PDF, 42 KB] |
Decision 19: Chapter 21 Specific Purpose Zones - Stage Two (and Relevant Definitions and Associated Planning Maps) (external link) |
6 April 2016(external link) |
No |
1 August 2016 [PDF, 42 KB] |
Decision 18: Chapter 12: Hazardous Substances and Contaminated Land - Stages One and Two (and Relevant Definitions) [PDF, 811 KB] |
18 March 2016(external link) |
No |
7 June 2016 [PDF, 45 KB] |
Minute - directions in relation to paragraph 171 of Decision 17 [PDF, 2.2 MB] |
13 June 2016 [PDF, 38 KB] |
No |
1 August 2016 [PDF, 42 KB] |
Decision to make minor corrections to Decision 17 (Residential Stage Two) and amendments to Decision 10 (Residential Stage One) [PDF, 1.7 MB] |
3 June 2016 [PDF, 38 KB] |
No |
1 August 2016 [PDF, 42 KB] |
Decision 17: Residential (Part) (And Relevant Definitions and Associated Planning Maps) Stage Two(external link) |
18 March 2016(external link) |
Yes, Notice of Appeal(external link), Notice of Abandonment of Appeal [PDF, 366 KB] |
1 August 2016 [PDF, 42 KB] |
Minor corrections to Decision 16 - Introduction and Definitions - Stage One [PDF, 1.4 MB] |
13 June 2016 [PDF, 38 KB] |
No |
1 August 2016 [PDF, 42 KB] |
Decision 16: Chapter 1 Introduction (Part) and Chapter 2 Definitions (Part) Stage One(external link) |
14 March 2016(external link) |
No |
7 June 2016 [PDF, 45 KB]
Decision to make Minor Corrections to Decision 15: Natural Hazards (Part) - Stage One - Rehearing of Certification of Cliff Collapse Management Area(external link) |
18 March 2016(external link) |
No |
7 June 2016 [PDF, 45 KB] |
Decision 15: Natural Hazards (Part) - Stage One - Rehearing of Certification of Cliff Collapse Management Area(external link) |
14 March 2016(external link) |
No |
7 June 2016 [PDF, 45 KB] |
Minor corrections to Decision 14: Specific Purpose (Burwood Landfill and Resource Recovery Park) Stage Three (external link) |
1 March 2016(external link) |
No |
14 April 2016(external link) |
Decision 14: Specific Purpose (Burwood Landfill and Resource Recovery Park) - Stage Three(external link) |
19 February 2016(external link) |
No |
14 April 2016 (external link) |
Decision 13: Subdivision, Development and Earthworks Stage one (Part)(external link) |
15 January 2016(external link) |
No |
19 September 2016 [PDF, 45 KB] |
Decision 12: Transport (Part) (and relevant definitions)(external link) |
15 January 2016(external link) |
No |
14 April 2016(external link) |
Minor Corrections to Decision 11: Chapter 15: Commercial (Part) [PDF, 1.1 MB] |
29 June 2017 [PDF, 519 KB] |
No |
10 November 2017 [PDF, 480 KB] |
Minor Corrections to Decision 11: Chapter 15: Commercial (Part) [PDF, 1.6 MB] |
23 May 2017 [PDF, 38 KB] |
No |
10 November 2017 [PDF, 480 KB] |
Decision to make minor corrections to Decision 11 and to revisit Decision 10 in relation to the access for Fendalton Mall at 17 Memorial Avenue [PDF, 984 KB] |
3 November 2016 [PDF, 38 KB] |
No |
10 November 2017 [PDF, 480 KB] |
Minor corrections to Decision 11 and as to Planning Maps, Figures and Appendices Commercial (Part) and Industrial (Part) Stage One - text(external link) and maps(external link) |
16 April 2016(external link) |
No |
7 June 2016 [PDF, 45 KB]
Commercial 10 November 2017 [PDF, 480 KB]
Minor corrections to Commercial (Part) and Industrial (Part) Stage One (Decision 11)(external link) |
4 February 2016(external link) |
No |
7 June 2016 [PDF, 45 KB]
10 November 2017 [PDF, 480 KB]
Decision 11: Commercial (Part) and Industrial (Part) (and relevant definitions and associated Planning Maps)(external link) |
15 January 2016(external link) |
Yes, Notice of appeal(external link) High Court Judgment [PDF, 3.9 MB] |
7 June 2016 [PDF, 45 KB]
10 November 2017 [PDF, 480 KB]
Minor Corrections to Decision 10, 11 and 21 [PDF, 5.6 MB] |
7 December 2016 [PDF, 39 KB] |
No |
10 November 2017 [PDF, 480 KB] |
Decision 10: Residential (Part) Planning Maps Minor Corrections [PDF, 373 KB] |
19 July 2016 [PDF, 39 KB] |
No |
19 September 2016 [PDF, 45 KB] |
Decision 10:Residential (Part) Planning Maps and Minor Corrections [PDF, 18 MB] |
8 July 2016 [PDF, 38 KB] |
No |
19 September 2016 [PDF, 45 KB] |
Minor corrections to Decision 10: Residential (Part) Stage One(external link) |
12 February 2016(external link) |
No |
7 June 2016 [PDF, 45 KB] |
Decision 10: Residential (Part) Stage One(external link) |
17 December 2015(external link) |
No |
7 June 2016 [PDF, 45 KB] |
Minor corrections to Temporary Activities (Decision 9)(external link) |
30 October 2015(external link) |
No |
18 December 2015(external link) |
Decision 9: Temporary Activities 6A, 6B and 6C(external link) |
10 September 2015(external link) |
No |
18 December 2015(external link) |
Decision 8: Natural Hazard (Part) Planning Maps(external link). View the Planning Maps via a file hosting service |
2 September 2015(external link) |
No |
14 April 2016(external link) |
Minor corrections to Decision 7 Transport (Part)Transport Corrections 1(external link) and Transport Corrections 2(external link) |
14 September 2015(external link) |
No |
18 December 2015(external link) |
Decision 7: Transport (Part) (and relevant definitions)(external link) |
15 August 2015(external link) |
No |
18 December 2015(external link) |
Decision 6: Natural Hazards (Part) (and relevant definitions and associated Planning Maps)(external link) |
27 July 2015(external link) |
Yes, Notice of appeal(external link), High Court Judgment(external link) |
7 June 2016 [PDF, 45 KB] |
Decision 5: Chapter 10: Designation and Heritage Orders excluding Christchurch International Airport(external link) |
2 September 2015(external link) |
No |
18 December 2015(external link) |
Decision 5: Chapter 10 (Part): Designation D1 Christchurch International Airport Limited(external link) |
2 September 2015(external link)(external link) |
No |
18 December 2015(external link) |
Decision 4: Rezoning of exemplar housing areas under action 8 of the Land Use Recovery Plan (North Halswell) (and relevant definitions)(external link) |
5 March 2015(external link) |
No |
25 May 2015(external link) |
Decision 3: Repair and rebuilding of multi-unit complexes (and relevant definitions(external link) |
5 March 2015(external link) |
No |
25 May 2015(external link) |
Decision 2: Temporary activities related to earthquake recovery (and relevant definitions)(external link) |
5 March 2015(external link) |
No |
25 May 2015(external link) |
Decision 1: Strategic directions and strategic outcomes (and relevant definitions)(external link) |
5 March 2015(external link) |
No |
25 May 2015(external link) |